The Research Office
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4486
(location map)
(248) 370-2762
(248) 370-4111

Undergraduate Research
For students looking for research opportunities, as paid or unpaid internships, fellowships, summer programs, or in courses, here are listings:
- Honors College Undergraduate Research - with guidance, resource and opportunities
- Center for Biomedical Research Student Research Opportunities
- Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Biological Sciences and Chemistry
- Engineering Undergraduate Research Opportunities
- Eye Research Institute Student Research
Course-based Research
OU has a number of classes that offer hands-on research experience, such as:
OU students participate in historic archaeological dig
This year's study abroad in Israel is making significant contributions to the historical record. Learn more about studying archeology in Israel.
Students study tropical field ecology in Costa Rica
For the past nine years, Scott Tiegs, associate professor of biological sciences, has organized trips to Costa Rica , which immerses students in an array of ecosystems, including rainforests, dry forests, cloud forests, wetlands, rivers and streams. Learn more about studying ecology in Costa Rica.
Animals of OU
Students conduct mammal survey of OU’s biological preserve. Learn more about programs and opportunities in the Department of Biological Sciences.